Age of empires 1 icon
Age of empires 1 icon

age of empires 1 icon

age of empires 1 icon

Each wave plays out the same way, only changing which units are approaching and the locations at which these units spawn in.įor the first wave, you should field spearmen as they can withstand the charge of cavalry and do a fair amount of bonus damage against them in turn. You are charged with deciding what units to defend your village with, one wave at a time. An icon will alert you of the units that make up each wave and reveal the location of any enemy units. In the first wave you will be attacked by an invading batch of Horsemen.


The various waves of attack and which units are sent are listed in the table below: Wave 1 of 5 – Age of Empires 4 How to get Gold You fail if you allow the attackers to destroy too many buildings (7) and are evaluated on how many units you lost total in the waves of fighting (Make sure you watch that video and remember the lessons within it, as its pretty good walk through on its own) The point to this lesson in the art of war is to teach you how different combat is in this game and teach you unit counters rather than teach you how to properly train, predict, adapt, etc. The first few “tests” are single type match ups requiring you to stick to a single unit type, while the latter tests have you field two types at a time. What makes things interesting is that you do not produce units as you would normally and are aware of the types of units attacking before they reach your town. In this challenge, you are tasked with defending an town from various waves of an unknown foe Age of Empires 4 How to get Gold in Art of War – Basic Combat Basic Combat – Challenge Overview

Age of empires 1 icon